Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Afghansky odboj odstrelil dulezity most

Afghansky odboj odstrelil most na kriticke velke zasobovaci trase pro Americany vedene vojenske obsazeni Afghanistanu.

Je to posledni a nejvaznejsi pokus zablokovat zasoby pro zahranicni vojska v Afghanistanu.

75% zasob jde pres pakistansky pristav Karaci a prusmyk Chyber.

Militants cut US, NATO supply line to Afghanistan
Militants blew up a bridge in northwest Pakistan on Tuesday, cutting the major supply line for U.S.-led troops in Afghanistan with an explosion that turned the narrow span into a jagged metal "V."

It was the latest, and perhaps most serious, attempt to block supplies to the U.S.-led mission against the Taliban

Up to 75 percent of the fuel and supplies destined for U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan travel through Pakistan after being unloaded at the port of Karachi, and most are driven along the Khyber Pass.

National Geographic News

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